Section 50IAC26-3-1. Hardware requirements  

Latest version.
  •    The following standards apply to all computer hardware: The hardware to be installed to support the property tax management system must meet or exceed the minimum configuration requirements for the complete set of software as installed to satisfy response time requirements as specified by section 7 of this rule. Software to be considered in determining the response time requirements include the operating system, utilities and tools software, networking software, server software, the property tax management software, and any software that is required for the property tax management system to function properly. These requirements apply to the following:

    (1) The amount of random access memory.

    (2) The capacity of the hard disk.

    (3) Processor type.

    (4) Processor speed.

    (5) The amount processor cache memory.

    (6) The graphics card processor, speed, memory, and resolution.

    (7) Network speed.

    (Department of Local Government Finance; 50 IAC 26-3-1; filed Jan 28, 2011, 3:07 p.m.: 20110223-IR-050100165FRA)