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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 45IAC16-3. Motor Carrier Freight Tariffs and Classifications |
Section 45IAC16-3-30. Form and content of schedules
FORM AND CONTENT OF SCHEDULES. (a) Form of schedule. A schedule shall be filed in a book, loose-leaf or pamphlet form. It shall be plainly printed, mimeographed, planographed, stereotyped, or reproduced by other durable process on paper of good quality. Typewritten, photostat, hectograph, or proof sheets will not be accepted for filing. A schedule shall be either 8 x 11 inches or 8 1/2 x 11 inches (a supplement must be the same size in length and width as the schedule it amends). It shall contain no alteration or erasure. A margin of not less than five-eighths of an inch with no printing thereon shall be provided on the bonding edge of each page. Schedules filed in loose-leaf form shall comply with all provisions set forth in PART A of these regulations pertaining to the filing of tariffs by motor common carriers. (See Rule 1(e) and Rule 7(f) of PART A.)
(b) Numbering of schedules. Schedules other than supplements shall bear consecutive P.S.C.I. numbers beginning with P.S.C.I. No. 1 or continuing with the next consecutive P.S.C.I. number in the same series of schedules.
(c) Number assigned to a rejected schedule. The number assigned to a schedule which has been rejected may not be used again. The rejected schedule may not be referred to in any subsequent schedule as having been cancelled, amended or withdrawn, but the schedule published in its stead shall bear the following notation:
Issued in lieu of (here identify the rejected schedule by P.S.C.I. number or supplement number) rejected by the Public Service Commission of Indiana.
(d) Title page. The first (front or top) page of a schedule shall be prepared as a title page showing in the upper right-hand corner its P.S.C.I. number and immediately thereunder notice of cancellation identifying by number any schedule or schedules being cancelled thereby.
(e) Name of carrier. On the upper central part of the title page shall appear the exact complete name of the issuing carrier and the number of the permit, or if no permit has been issued, the docket number assigned to the application.
(f) Application of schedule. Below the carrier's name and permit or docket number shall be shown following the words "Contract Carrier Schedule of Minimum Rates and Charges Applying On," a short specific description of the commodity or commodities covered by the schedule (or the word "Commodities" where the articles covered are too numerous to list); and a brief description of the territories within which or point from, to, or between which the schedule applies.
(g) Issue and effective dates. On the lower left-hand side of the title page shall be shown the date of issue and on the lower right-hand side the date on which the schedule is to become effective. Schedules which contain new or changed rates or other provisions effective on more dates than one shall show a general (title page) effective date not earlier than 30 days subsequent to the date on which the schedule is filed with the Commission, followed by a notation reading substantially as follows: "Except as otherwise provided on page (here give reference to the page or pages on which new or changed rates or other provisions are shown as becoming effective on dates other than the general effective date of the schedules)."
(h) Issuing officer. At the bottom of the title page below the issued and effective dates shall be shown the name, title, and mail address of the owner, partner, representative or officer of the carrier by whom the schedule is issued. The title "agent" may not be used.
(i) Table of contents. Immediately after title page shall be published a table of contents arranged in alphabetical order to indicate the page on which each subject is treated. If the schedule contains so small a volume of matter that its title page and interior arrangement plainly disclose its contents, the table of contents may be omitted.
(j) Index of Commodities. (1) Next shall be provided a complete alphabetical index of commodities indicating the number of the page on which rates or charges on each commodity will be found.
(2) If all of the commodity rates to each destination in a schedule are arranged in alphabetical order by commodities, the index of commodities may be omitted from that schedule.
(k) Index of points. Following the index of commodities a schedule naming rates or charges from, to, or between specific points shall publish an index showing those points, and the page or pages on which each point is named. If there be not more than 12 points of origin or 12 points of destination, the names of such points may, if practicable, be shown in alphabetical order in the schedule, in which event the index of points of origin or destination, or both, as the case may be, may be omitted.
(l) Rules. Rules and other provisions affecting rates and charges shall be published following the index of points. Each rule and other governing provision must be designated as an "item," and given a separate "item" number; portions which can be understandingly read without recourse to the whole and "exceptions" to the general application of a rule or other such provision may be published in separate paragraphs and such paragraphs may be given subnumbers or letters.
(m) Rate tables. (1) Rate tables shall show rates and shall name the commodities on which the rates apply or make reference to pages or items listing those commodities. When rate tables refer to lists of commodities, such lists of commodities shall be shown immediately preceding the rate tables and following the rules and other provisions required by paragraph (1) of this rule. Rate tables shall also show points of origin and points of destination. Insofar as practicable such points shall be shown alphabetically.
(2) Rate tables should be subdivided into small sections called "Items," and each should be given a separate "Item" number.
(n) Designation of commodity or article. When a rate is established or modified, the designation of the commodity or articles in connection with which the new or changed provision is to apply must be aptly descriptive; also, it must be sufficiently explicit to preclude conflicting or duplicating applications and to show clearly the articles which it embraces.
(o) Multiple minimum-quantity rates. Different rates based on different minimum quantities may be published provided the schedule shows clearly in connection with such provisions whether the lowest charge obtainable under the different rates and minimums applicable thereto (or actual quantities, if greater) will be applied, or whether the provisions will be applied in some different, explicitly stated manner.
(p) Mixed shipments. Rates may be established on different articles for mixed quantity shipments. Minimum quantities should be specified together with a statement in connection with the commodity description that the rates apply on mixed quantity shipments. Such rates may also be made applicable upon straight shipments of one or more or all of the articles by a provision to that effect in connection with the commodity description. When more than one article is included in an item or commodity description, the schedule should state whether or not the rates apply on straight or mixed shipment or both.
(q) Changes must be indicated. Schedules must indicate any change thereby made in existing rates or rules, regulations, practices or other provisions by use of the reference marks specified for the purpose in paragraph (r) of this rule.
(r) Uniform reference marks. All schedules shall indicate changes made in existing rates, rules, regulations, practices or other provisions by use of the following uniform symbols in connection with those changes.
● or (R) to denote reductions.
◆ or (A) to denote increases.
▲ or (C) to denote changes which result in neither reductions nor increases in charges.
(s) Explanation of abbreviations and reference marks. At the end of each schedule there shall appear an Explanation of Abbreviations, followed by an Explanation of Reference Marks. Under the Explanation of Abbreviations shall appear an explanation of all abbreviations used in the schedule, except that commonly used abbreviations of parts of names of companies, places or addresses may be omitted. Under the Explanation of Reference Marks shall appear an explanation of all characters, symbols, or reference marks used in the schedule, except reference marks, characters or symbols which are explained on the page or pages of the schedule on which they appear.
(t) Distance rates. Schedules carrying rates dependent on mileages or distances for their application shall publish those distances between points or provide a definite method for determining them.
(u) Supplements. A change in or addition to a schedule shall be known as an amendment, and shall be published in a supplement. Supplements shall be numbered consecutively and shall carry the same P.S.C.I. number as the schedule amended. Each supplement shall specify on its title page the supplement or supplements or schedule which it cancels, and shall also list by their numbers the supplements containing effective changes from matter published in the originally filed schedule. The matter contained in each supplement shall be arranged in the same general manner and order as the schedule which it amends. The following is the maximum number of effective supplements permitted to any one schedule:
16 pages or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 supplements.
17 pages or more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 supplements.
In addition to the above, schedules of 17 or more pages may have one additional supplement of not exceeding 4 pages. Supplements announcing adoptions or suspension effected by orders of the Commission will not be counted in computing the allowable number of supplements.
(v) Explosive and dangerous articles. Schedules which contain rates for the transportation of hazardous materials must also contain the rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Transportation governing the transportation thereof, or must bear specific reference to the P.S.C.I. number of a separate publication which contains such rules and regulations.
(w) Item amendment. When an amendment (such as a change, cancellation, addition or deletion) is made in a numbered item, such item shall be published in the supplement in its entirety as amended. The revised item showing the amended provision should be given the same item number with a letter suffix; for example: Item 40-A Cancels Item 40; Item 40-B Cancels Item 40-A; and so on. When any rate or other provision contained in an item designated by an item number is amended, resulting in the cancellation of all or a portion thereof, the canceled matter shall not be reproduced in the new item effecting the cancellation except to the extent necessary to identify the item. (Department of State Revenue; No. 33034: Schedules of Rates by Motor Vehicles In Intrastate Commerce PT B,Rule 3; filed Feb 15, 1973, 3:00 pm: Rules and Regs. 1974, p. 518) NOTE: Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (170 IAC 2-3-30) to the Department of State Revenue (45 IAC 16-3-30) by P.L.72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.