Section 410IAC32-3-8. Training manager and instructor qualifications  

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  •    (a) For a training course provider to obtain approval from the department to offer lead-based paint activities courses, the program shall meet the following training manager and instructor requirements:

    (1) The training course provider shall employ a training manager who has any one (1) of the following education or work experience:

    (A) At least two (2) years of experience, education, or training in teaching workers or adults.

    (B) A bachelor's or graduate degree in building construction technology, engineering, industrial hygiene, safety, public health, education, business administration, or program management or a related field.

    (C) Two (2) years of experience in managing a training curriculum specializing in environmental hazards.

    The training manager shall also have demonstrated experience, education, or training in the construction industry, including lead or asbestos abatement, painting, carpentry, renovation, remodeling, occupational safety and health, or industrial hygiene.

    (2) Training course providers shall submit resumes and qualifications of all potential instructors, including guest instructors, for approval by the department prior to their use as instructors for any course.

    (3) A qualified principal instructor shall be hired by the training manager for each course and shall have the following education and work experience:

    (A) Possess:

    (i) a high school diploma or equivalent; and

    (ii) either:

    (AA) a bachelor's or graduate degree in architecture, industrial hygiene, engineering, building system design, science, or a related field; or

    (BB) a combination of four (4) years of experience in lead-based paint or asbestos inspection, abatement, occupational safety and health, or hygiene.

    (B) Successfully completed at least sixteen (16) hours of any U.S. EPA-accredited or U.S. EPA-authorized state or tribal-accredited lead-specific training, including the course in which they plan to instruct. After the effective date of this rule, the training must be taken from an Indiana-approved training course. The training course shall be taken from a training course provider other than the provider for whom the instructor will be working.

    (4) The principal instructor shall be responsible for the organization of the course and oversight of the teaching of all course material. The training manager may designate guest instructors as needed to provide instruction specific to the lecture, hands-on activities, or work practice components of a course.

      (b) The following documents shall be submitted to the department to demonstrate that training managers and principal instructors have the education, work experience, training requirements or demonstrated experience:

    (1) Official academic transcripts or diploma to demonstrate compliance with the education requirements.

    (2) Resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience to demonstrate compliance with the work experience requirements.

    (3) Certificates from train-the-trainer courses and lead-specific training courses to demonstrate compliance with the training requirements.

    This documentation is required to be submitted with the approval application and shall be retained by the training course provider as required by the record keeping requirements contained in section 11 of this rule.

      (c) The training course provider shall ensure the availability of, and provide adequate facilities for, the delivery of the lecture, course test, hands-on training, and assessment activities. This includes providing training equipment that reflects current work practices and maintaining or updating the equipment and facilities as needed. The lecture portion of the training courses may be delivered in an online synchronous or asynchronous format, if approved by the department. (Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 32-3-8; filed Jan 6, 1999, 4:28 p.m.: 22 IR 1453; readopted filed Jul 14, 2011, 11:42 a.m.: 20110810-IR-410110253RFA; filed Dec 20, 2011, 1:51 p.m.: 20120118-IR-410100734FRA) NOTE: Transferred from the Air Pollution Control Board (326 IAC 23-3-8) to the Indiana State Department of Health (410 IAC 32-3-8) by P.L.57-2009, SECTION 17, effective July 1, 2009.