Section 357IAC1-5-2. Posting  

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  •    (a) At the time of each pesticide application identified by section 1(a) of this rule, the licensed applicator for hire, or an employee of the licensed business, shall place a lawn marker at a conspicuous point of access to the lawn.

      (b) The lawn marker shall consist of a sign that:

    (1) shall be at least four (4) inches by five (5) inches in size;

    (2) shall be constructed of sturdy, weather resistant material;

    (3) shall have a background, lettering, and symbols in contrasting colors;

    (4) on the prominent side, shall read "LAWN CARE APPLICATION KEEP OFF THE GRASS" in letters of not less than three-eighths (⅜) of an inch high;

    (5) may display a symbol depicting the message required in subdivision (4);

    (6) may display the company name and logo or other group or association affiliation; and

    (7) shall be affixed to a sturdy nonmetallic support extending the bottom of the lawn marker six (6) to eighteen (18) inches above the turf.

      (c) The lawn marker may be removed no sooner than the day following the pesticide application. (Indiana Pesticide Review Board; 357 IAC 1-5-2; filed Apr 20, 1990, 4:35 p.m.: 13 IR 1702; errata, 13 IR 1861; filed Jun 9, 2000, 9:58 a.m.: 23 IR 2706; readopted filed Oct 29, 2001, 4:41 p.m.: 25 IR 936; readopted filed Sep 20, 2007, 1:47 p.m.: 20071010-IR-357070485RFA; readopted filed Dec 2, 2013, 4:00 p.m.: 20140101-IR-357130491RFA)