Section 345IAC7-7-3.7. Digestion  

Latest version.
  •   7. (a) A person disposing of animal carcasses or condemned and inedible waste through biodigestion or chemical digestion must meet the following requirements:

    (1) He or she must obtain a disposal plant permit from the board under IC 15-17-11 prior to accepting material from other operations. Carcasses or condemned and inedible waste from facilities under common ownership or management may be disposed of via biodigestion without obtaining a permit.

    (2) The digestion process must be operated in a manner that meets all of the following conditions:

    (A) The carcasses and waste must be thoroughly and completely digested.

    (B) The end product must be disposed of in compliance with IC 13, the state environmental laws.

    (C) The process must:

    (i) not create a health hazard to humans or animals; and

    (ii) expose the material being processed to conditions that are reasonably likely to kill pathogenic organisms.

      (b) A slaughtering establishment disposing of animal carcasses and condemned and inedible waste through digestion must meet the following additional requirements:

    (1) The digestion operation may not be located or operated in a way that exposes products intended for human food to contamination.

    (2) Equipment and supplies used in the digestion operation may not be used in the slaughtering operation.

      (c) The state veterinarian may order that any particular carcass or condemned and inedible waste, or any class of carcass or waste, not be disposed of via digestion, or digested in a particular manner, in order to prevent the spread of disease and protect the public health. (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 7-7-3.7; filed Jun 16, 2011, 8:46 a.m.: 20110713-IR-345100561FRA)