Rule 345IAC7-3.5. Licensing and Bonding of Livestock Dealers and Markets  

Section 345IAC7-3.5-1. General provisions
Section 345IAC7-3.5-1.5. Incorporation by reference
Section 345IAC7-3.5-2. Definitions
Section 345IAC7-3.5-3. Individual and market facility dealer license and exceptions
Section 345IAC7-3.5-4. License requirement (Repealed)
Section 345IAC7-3.5-5. Classification; fees
Section 345IAC7-3.5-5.5. Annual report; license termination
Section 345IAC7-3.5-6. Agents
Section 345IAC7-3.5-7. Interim license for multi-location dealers (Repealed)
Section 345IAC7-3.5-8. Bond requirements
Section 345IAC7-3.5-8.5. Claims
Section 345IAC7-3.5-9. Dealer and market facility records
Section 345IAC7-3.5-9.1. Dealer and market facility poultry record keeping requirements
Section 345IAC7-3.5-9.5. Records and facilities inspection; falsification, retention
Section 345IAC7-3.5-10. Health certificate, permit, quarantine requirements (Repealed)
Section 345IAC7-3.5-11. Scales
Section 345IAC7-3.5-12. Penalties (Repealed)
Section 345IAC7-3.5-13. Sale of animals at a market facility
Section 345IAC7-3.5-14. Animals not intended for slaughter; inspection and identification
Section 345IAC7-3.5-15. Facilities for handling livestock; minimum construction standards
Section 345IAC7-3.5-16. Care and handling; nonambulatory livestock
Section 345IAC7-3.5-17. Sale of diseased animal restricted
Section 345IAC7-3.5-18. Waste disposal
Section 345IAC7-3.5-19. Sanitation requirements
Section 345IAC7-3.5-20. Brucellosis testing service laboratories; approval requirements
Section 345IAC7-3.5-21. Penalties


(Repealed by Indiana State Board of Animal Health; filed Nov 20, 1997, 2:45 p.m.: 21 IR 1294) (Repealed by Indiana State Board of Animal Health; filed Jan 20, 1988, 4:02 pm: 11 IR 1750) (Repealed by Indiana State Board of Animal Health; filed Jan 20, 1988, 4:02 pm: 11 IR 1754)