Section 345IAC2-6-1. Definitions  

Latest version.
  •    The following definitions apply throughout this rule:

    (1) "'B' branded cattle" means all reactor cattle shall be permanently identified by hot iron branding with the letter "B" (at least two (2) inches by two (2) inches) placed high on the left tailhead (over the fourth to the seventh coccygeal vertebrae). An approved reactor tag must be placed in the left ear. Identification of reactors must be accomplished within fifteen (15) days of the test date. The time may be extended fifteen (15) days for reasons mutually acceptable to the cooperating state and federal officials-in-charge.

    (2) "'B' brand permit (VS Form #1-27)" means an official document issued by a USDA Veterinary Services representative, board representative, or licensed, Category II accredited veterinarian. This document is to accompany "B" branded cattle and bison (or exposed cattle and bison moved under official seal). The permit must include the following:

    (A) Identification tag, tattoo, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) backtag, registration number, or similar identification.

    (B) The reactor tag number.

    (C) The owner's name and address.

    (D) Origin and destination locations.

    (E) Number of cattle covered.

    (F) The purpose of the movement.

    If a change in destination becomes necessary, a new permit must be prepared. No diversion from the permitted destination is allowed. Distribution of the copies is printed on the official document and must be followed.

    (3) "Board" means the Indiana state board of animal health or its authorized agent.

    (4) "Brucellosis", commonly called contagious abortion or Bang's Disease, means a communicable and infectious disease in domestic animals caused by Brucella organisms.

    (5) "Brucellosis tests", used at the state or state-federal laboratory, must be approved by USDA, APHIS, VS, and state-federal veterinary brucellosis epidemiologists.

    (6) "Cattle" means genus Bos and includes all dairy and beef animals and bison.

    (7) "Certified brucellosis-free herd" means a herd:

    (A) that meets the requirements of section 3 of this rule; and

    (B) for which the owner holds an unrevoked and unexpired brucellosis-free certificate issued by the board.

    (8) "Class A State or area" means twelve (12) months' accumulated herd infection rate due to field Strain B. abortus shall not exceed twenty-five hundredths percent (.25%) or two and five-tenths (2.5) herds per one thousand (1,000), maintained and adjusted as per current UM & R.

    (9) "Class B State or area" means twelve (12) months' accumulated herd infection rate not to exceed one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) or fifteen (15) herds per one thousand (1,000), maintained and adjusted as per current UM & R.

    (10) "Class C State or area" means twelve (12) months' accumulated herd infection rate exceeding one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) or fifteen (15) herds per one thousand (1,000), maintained and adjusted as per current UM & R.

    (11) "Class Free State or area" means a state or area that meets standards for classification as a Class Free State or area and is certified as such on initial classification or on reclassification by the board and the United States Department of Agriculture. All cattle herds in the state or area must have remained free from Brucella abortus for the past twelve (12) months, maintained and adjusted as per current UM & R.

    (12) "Cooperating agencies" means the board and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinary Services of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

    (13) "Exposed cattle" means those that are part of a brucellosis infected herd or have been in contact with a brucellosis reactor twenty-four (24) hours, or less than twenty-four (24) hours if a reactor has recently aborted, calved, or has a vaginal or uterine discharge.

    (14) "Feeder cattle" means steers of any age and nonpregnant, nonparturient females and bulls of beef breeds:

    (A) obviously under eighteen (18) months of age; and

    (B) intended for slaughter after having reached the desired feeding state.

    (15) "Goats" means genus Capra.

    (16) "Herd depopulation" means removal of all sexually intact animals to an approved slaughter establishment.

    (17) "Herds" means all cattle, except steers and spayed heifers, under common ownership or supervision that are grouped on one (1) or more parts of any single premises (lot, farm, or ranch), or all cattle on two (2) or more premises geographically separated, but on which the cattle have been interchanged or where there has been:

    (A) contact of cattle between the premises; or

    (B) interchange of equipment used or caretakers.

    For brucellosis eradication purposes, groups of cattle, under multiple ownership on common premises, such as community pastures or grazing association units, shall also be considered as a herd. Such herds shall include all other groups of cattle owned by those persons unless the epidemiological investigation establishes that association has not occurred.

    (18) "Immediate slaughter" means a shipment of cattle from the premises of origin directly to a slaughtering establishment or consigned to one (1) market for reconsignment directly to an approved state or federal slaughtering establishment within seven (7) days of the first consignment.

    (19) "Individual herd plan" means a herd management and testing plan designed by the following:

    (A) The herd owner.

    (B) His or her veterinarian if so requested.

    (C) A veterinarian of the cooperative brucellosis eradication program that will control and eventually eradicate brucellosis from an affected herd.

    A similar plan for determining the true status of suspects and preventing exposure to brucellosis within the herd is also within the meaning of the term.

    (20) "Livestock auction market" or "salebarn" means an established place of business and contiguous surroundings, including vehicles of transportation:

    (A) from which domestic animals consigned to such livestock auction market or salebarn are sold or exchanged at auction or otherwise; and

    (B) for the sale or exchange of which a commission is paid to the operator of the place of business.

    (21) "Market cattle reactor herd" means a herd from which one (1) or more reactors were disclosed on the market cattle identification program test (MCI).

    (22) "Milk ring suspicious herd" means a herd that has been classified suspicious to the standard milk ring test of milk or cream.

    (23) "Milk ring test", "brucellosis ring test", or "BRT" means a test for brucellosis using whole milk or cream.

    (24) "Negative" means the following:

    (A) Official vaccinates of dairy breeds twenty (20) months of age or over and official vaccinates of beef breeds twenty-four (24) months of age or over with brucellosis test titers not higher than complete agglutination of 1:50 dilution on the standard plate test or standard tube test unless diagnosed suspect or reactor on the basis of a card test or complement fixation test.

    (B) Cattle more than six (6) months of age when the standard plate test or standard tube test:

    (i) discloses reactions of not more than complete agglutination in the 1:25 dilution if performed;

    (ii) is negative to the brucellosis card test if performed;

    (iii) discloses twenty-five percent (25%) fixation or less (one (1) plus) at the 1:10 dilution on the complement fixation test if performed; or

    (iv) discloses less than complete agglutination at the 1:25 dilution on the rivanol plate agglutination test if performed.

    The board may accept variations when an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus infection is present. A diagnosis of suspect or reactor will then be accepted.

    (C) Cattle negative to the following:

    (i) The rapid screening test when no other tests are performed.

    (ii) The card test when no other tests are performed.

    (iii) Both rapid screen test and brucellosis card test where plate titers are disclosed that are less than incomplete 1:100.

    (25) "Official eartag" means an identification tag approved by the state veterinarian under 345 IAC 1-2.6 that bears an official identification number for individual animals. All official eartags applied to animals must bear an official eartag shield. The official eartag must be tamper resistant and have a high retention rate in the animal.

    (26) "Official eartag record" means an accurate record of all eartags applied by the licensed, Category II accredited veterinarian must be:

    (A) recorded on record of identification card provided with the eartags; and

    (B) returned to the board as soon as the card is completed.

    (27) "Official eartag shield" means the shield-shaped graphic of the U.S. Route Shield with "U.S." or the state postal abbreviation or Tribal alpha code imprinted within the shield.

    (28) "Official health certificate", "certificate of veterinary inspection", or "CVI" means a form that meets the requirements in 345 IAC 1-1.5 for a certificate of veterinary inspection.

    (29) "Official identification number" means a nationally unique number that is permanently associated with an animal or group of animals and that adheres to one (1) of the following systems:

    (A) National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES).

    (B) Animal identification number (AIN).

    (C) Location-based number system.

    (D) Flock-based number system.

    (E) Any other numbering system approved by the state veterinarian for the official identification of animals.

    (30) "Official vaccinate" means a female bovine animal or bison vaccinated by a licensed, Category II accredited veterinarian against brucellosis in accordance with this rule.

    (31) "Owner" means the legal owner or his or her agent or person in possession of, or responsible for, cattle involved.

    (32) "Reactor" means the following:

    (A) Official vaccinates of dairy breeds twenty (20) months of age or over and official vaccinates of beef breeds twenty-four (24) months of age or over, as evidenced by the presence of the first pair of permanent incisors, or official vaccinates under these ages that are parturient (springers) or postparturient when they disclose complete standard plate test or standard tube test agglutination reactions in the blood titer dilution of 1:200 or higher as follows:

    (i) Positive to the brucellosis card test where it has been the only test conducted.

    (ii) Disclose titers of twenty-five percent (25%) fixation (one (1) plus) in a dilution of 1:40 or higher on the complement fixation test, if it is performed.

    (iii) Disclose a complete agglutination reaction in the 1:25 dilution or higher on the rivanol test, if it is performed.

    (B) All other cattle more than six (6) months of age when they disclose a complete agglutination reaction in the blood titer dilution of 1:100 or higher on the standard plate test or standard tube test as follows:

    (i) Are positive to the brucellosis card test where it has been the only test conducted.

    (ii) Disclose titers of fifty percent (50%) fixation (two (2) plus) in a dilution of 1:20 or higher on the complement fixation test.

    (iii) Disclose a complete agglutination reaction in the 1:25 dilution or higher on the rivanol test.

    (C) Found infected by isolation of Brucella abortus microorganisms.

    The board may accept variations when an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus is not present. A diagnosis of suspect will then be accepted.

    (33) "'S' branded cattle" means cattle that have been identified by branding, with a hot iron, the letter "S" (at least two (2) inches by two (2) inches) placed high on the left tailhead (over the fourth to the seventh coccygeal vertebrae). "S" branding is required for exposed cattle to move in marketing channels from farms or markets to immediate slaughter. Finished fed heifers moving in marketing channels directly to slaughter will be exempted from the "S" branding requirement.

    (34) "'S' brand permit" means a document that is required to accompany animals in marketing channels having a restricted destination. The permit must show the following:

    (A) The origin.

    (B) The destination.

    (C) The number of restricted cattle.

    (D) The purpose of the movement.

    (E) The USDA backtag numbers (when applied serially, only the beginning and the ending number need be recorded).

    (F) A statement certifying to the "S" brand identification.

    The permit shall be prepared at the point of origin by a licensed, Category II accredited veterinarian, a representative of the board, or a designated official at a quarantined feedlot. A copy of this "S" brand permit shall be immediately sent to the state animal health official with the original accompanying the animals. The original shall be delivered at the destination and retained at that location for a minimum of six (6) months.

    (35) "Suspect" means the following:

    (A) Official vaccinates of dairy breeds twenty (20) months of age or over and official vaccinates of beef breeds twenty-four (24) months of age or over, as evidenced by the presence of the first pair of permanent incisor teeth or official vaccinates under these ages that are parturient (springers) or postparturient when they disclosed any standard plate test or standard tube agglutination reactions in the dilution of 1:100 or incomplete agglutination in the 1:200 dilution as follows:

    (i) Vaccinated cattle serologically negative to the standard plate test or standard tube test but that are positive to the brucellosis card test, if it is performed.

    (ii) Vaccinated cattle having less than twenty-five percent (25%) fixation (one (1) plus) in a dilution of 1:40 and fifty percent (50%) (two (2) plus) or more in a dilution of 1:10 to the complement fixation test, if it is performed.

    (B) All other cattle more than six (6) months of age when they disclose a positive rapid screen test or a positive card test or plate titers of incomplete one hundred (100) or over and are not classified as reactors. Cattle having less than fifty percent (50%) fixation (two (2) plus) in a dilution of 1:20 and fifty percent (50%) fixation (two (2) plus) or more in a dilution of 1:10 to the complement fixation test, if it is performed.

    (C) The board may accept variations when an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus is not present. A diagnosis of negative will then be accepted. When an epidemiological investigation indicates Brucella abortus infection is present, a diagnosis of reactor will be accepted.

    (36) "Tested herd", formerly qualified herd, means cattle for which records show that the complete herd has been subjected to official testing for brucellosis, in accordance with the required procedures for herds. Testing shall be done within the previous twelve (12) months, and the herd must not be known to be affected with brucellosis.

    (37) "Test eligible cattle" means the following:

    (A) Cattle that are not official vaccinates and that are at least eighteen (18) months of age, except steers and spayed heifers.

    (B) Official calfhood vaccinates at least eighteen (18) months of age that are parturient or postparturient.

    (C) Official calfhood vaccinates of beef breeds or bison at least twenty-four (24) months of age.

    (D) Official calfhood vaccinates of dairy breeds at least twenty (20) months of age.

    (38) "Uniform methods and rules" or "UM & R" means minimum standards of current brucellosis eradication procedures recommended by the Brucellosis Committee of the United States Animal Health Association approved by the USDA. The board may accept any of the recommendations of the current uniform methods and rules that are compatible with this rule. In case of conflict, the state rules will prevail.

    (39) "Veterinarian" means a person who:

    (A) is licensed and accredited to practice veterinary medicine in Indiana; or

    (B) graduated veterinarian employed by Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of USDA.

    (Indiana State Board of Animal Health; 345 IAC 2-6-1; filed Oct 29, 1984, 8:59 a.m.: 8 IR 163; filed Dec 22, 1986, 3:40 p.m.: 10 IR 1061; filed Sep 6, 1990, 2:30 p.m.: 14 IR 83; errata filed Sep 10, 1990, 9:30 a.m.: 14 IR 155; filed Oct 11, 1996, 2:00 p.m.: 20 IR 740, ineffective under IC 4-22-2-25; filed Mar 27, 1997, 11:15 a.m.: 20 IR 2108; errata, 22 IR 2007; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; filed Sep 29, 2006, 8:56 a.m.: 20061025-IR-345050315FRA; readopted filed May 9, 2007, 3:16 p.m.: 20070516-IR-345070037RFA; readopted filed Aug 7, 2013, 8:32 a.m.: 20130904-IR-345130236RFA; filed Aug 22, 2014, 4:04 p.m.: 20140917-IR-345140057FRA; filed Jan 7, 2016, 8:06 a.m.: 20160203-IR-345150160FRA)