Rule 329IAC3.1-13. State Administered Permit Program  

Section 329IAC3.1-13-1. Adoption of federal procedures for state administered permit program
Section 329IAC3.1-13-2. Exceptions and additions; permit program
Section 329IAC3.1-13-3. General application requirements
Section 329IAC3.1-13-4. Confidentiality of information
Section 329IAC3.1-13-5. Federal issuance of hazardous waste management permits
Section 329IAC3.1-13-6. Permit processing
Section 329IAC3.1-13-7. Modification, revocation and reissuance, or termination of permits
Section 329IAC3.1-13-8. Draft permits
Section 329IAC3.1-13-9. Fact sheet
Section 329IAC3.1-13-10. Public notice of permit actions and public comment period
Section 329IAC3.1-13-11. Public comments and requests for public hearings
Section 329IAC3.1-13-12. Public hearings
Section 329IAC3.1-13-13. Response to comments
Section 329IAC3.1-13-14. Issuance and effective date of permit
Section 329IAC3.1-13-15. State-administered permit program; duration of permits
Section 329IAC3.1-13-16. Continuation of expiring permits
Section 329IAC3.1-13-17. Adjudicatory hearings
Section 329IAC3.1-13-18. Preapplication public meeting and notice
Section 329IAC3.1-13-19. Public notice requirements at the application stage
Section 329IAC3.1-13-20. Information repository
Section 329IAC3.1-13-21. Procedures for RCRA standardized permit