Section 329IAC10-2-7.3. "Alternative water supply" defined  

Latest version.
  •   3. (a) "Alternative water supply" means a potable ground water source, or other source of potable water, that meets the requirements of subsection (b), that is a substitute for either:

    (1) an aquifer being considered for aquifer of significance determination; or

    (2) an aquifer that has been determined to be affected by a ground water contaminant plume.

      (b) An alternative water supply must meet one (1) of the following criteria:

    (1) The alternative water supply is a potable ground water source that:

    (A) is not hydraulically connected to the aquifer described in subsection (a);

    (B) is at a stratigraphic depth that does not exclude conventional household methods of drinking water extraction;

    (C) is of comparable or superior yield to the aquifer described in subsection (a); and

    (D) is of comparable or superior quality to the aquifer described in subsection (a).

    (2) The alternative water supply is an independent public water supply system that does not draw water from the aquifer described in subsection (a), unless the ground water intake is demonstrably upgradient of the MSWLF unit.

      (c) A demonstration that an aquifer meets the criteria in subsection (b)(1) may be limited to:

    (1) information available in the local and regional hydrostudy; and

    (2) information that can be obtained on-site.

    (Solid Waste Management Division; 329 IAC 10-2-7.3; filed Aug 2, 1999, 11:50 a.m.: 22 IR 3763)