Rule 329IAC10-21. Municipal Solid Waste Landfills; Ground Water Monitoring Programs and Corrective Action Program Requirements  

Section 329IAC10-21-1. General ground water monitoring requirements
Section 329IAC10-21-2. Sampling and analysis plan and program
Section 329IAC10-21-3. Duration of monitoring program
Section 329IAC10-21-4. Ground water monitoring well and piezometer construction and design
Section 329IAC10-21-5. Preoperational requirements pertaining to the ground water monitoring program
Section 329IAC10-21-6. Statistical evaluation requirements and procedures
Section 329IAC10-21-7. Detection ground water monitoring program
Section 329IAC10-21-8. Verification of a statistically significant increase in constituent concentration
Section 329IAC10-21-9. Demonstration that a statistically significant increase or contamination is not attributable to a municipal solid waste land disposal facility unit
Section 329IAC10-21-10. Assessment ground water monitoring program
Section 329IAC10-21-11. Ground water protection standards
Section 329IAC10-21-12. Public notice for corrective action
Section 329IAC10-21-13. Corrective action program
Section 329IAC10-21-14. Ground water corrective action contingency fund (Voided)
Section 329IAC10-21-15. Constituents for detection monitoring
Section 329IAC10-21-16. Constituents for assessment monitoring
Section 329IAC10-21-17. Additional constituents for assessment monitoring