Rule 327IAC8-12. Classification of Community Public Water System and Nontransient Noncommunity Public Water System Treatment Plants and Distribution Systems; Examination and Certification of Operators  

Section 327IAC8-12-0.3. Purpose
Section 327IAC8-12-0.5. Applicability
Section 327IAC8-12-1. Definitions
Section 327IAC8-12-1.1. Responsibilities
Section 327IAC8-12-2. Classification of water distribution systems and water treatment plants
Section 327IAC8-12-2.5. Reclassification of water treatment plants and water distribution systems
Section 327IAC8-12-3. Qualifications of a certified operator
Section 327IAC8-12-3.2. Certified operator grades
Section 327IAC8-12-3.4. Grandparenting
Section 327IAC8-12-3.5. Facility specific operator
Section 327IAC8-12-3.6. Certified operator in responsible charge
Section 327IAC8-12-3.8. Certification transition
Section 327IAC8-12-4. Examination of applicants to become a certified operator of a water treatment plant or water distribution system
Section 327IAC8-12-4.5. Demonstration of proficiency for applicants to become a facility specific operator
Section 327IAC8-12-5. Certification fees
Section 327IAC8-12-6. Certification; reciprocity; provisional certificate
Section 327IAC8-12-7. Certificates and certification cards; renewal; duplicates
Section 327IAC8-12-7.1. Continuing education credit; criteria for approval
Section 327IAC8-12-7.5. Continuing education requirements
Section 327IAC8-12-7.6. Continuing education credit; training provider responsibilities
Section 327IAC8-12-8. Suspension or revocation of certification