Section 327IAC20-5-1. Site restrictions and setbacks  

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  •    (a) A SMSS must not be located:

    (1) except as provided in subsection (b), in karst terrain based on information compiled by the department, and from karst and bedrock maps from the Indiana Geological Survey dated 1997;

    (2) in a floodway;

    (3) in a one hundred (100) year flood plain;

    (4) over mines; or

    (5) in soil types that are expected to have a seasonable high water table, unless the water table is lowered to keep the water table below the bottom of the SMSS as described in section 2(c) of this rule.

      (b) The commissioner may approve a SMSS to be located in karst terrain based upon submittal of the following site-specific information to the commissioner:

    (1) Characterization of the seasonal water table and soil.

    (2) Design and construction specifications that ensure adequate structural integrity and environmental protection.

    (3) For an earthen SMSS, in addition to 327 IAC 20-4-1, information from at least one (1) of the soil borings or test holes, as described in section 2(a)(3) of this rule, to the shallower of either:

    (A) bedrock; or

    (B) ten (10) feet below the lowest point of the proposed SMSS.

    (4) Other information that the commissioner deems necessary to ensure protection of human health and the environment.

      (c) A SMSS must be located to maintain the minimum setback distances from the following features that are known and identifiable at the time an application is submitted to the department:

    (1) One thousand (1,000) feet from a public water supply well or public water supply surface intake structure.

    (2) Three hundred (300) feet from any:

    (A) surface water;

    (B) drainage inlets, including water and sediment control basins;

    (C) sinkholes, as measured from the outer limit of the depression in the ground surface formed by the sinkhole where surface water drains to the sinkhole; or

    (D) off-site water wells.

    (3) One hundred (100) feet from any:

    (A) on-site water wells;

    (B) property lines; or

    (C) public roads.

    (4) Four hundred (400) feet from existing off-site residential and public buildings.

      (d) The property line setback distances in this section may be waived in writing by the owner of the adjoining property. (Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 20-5-1; filed Sep 28, 2015, 11:13 a.m.: 20151028-IR-327130245FRA)