Section 326IAC8-11-6. Compliance procedures and monitoring requirements  

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  •    (a) The owner or operator of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the emission limits in section 3 of this rule shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of section 3 of this rule by using any of the following methods:

    (1) To support that each sealer, topcoat, and strippable booth coating meets the requirements of section 3(a)(1) through 3(a)(3) or 3(b) of this rule, maintain documentation that uses 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 24* data, or data from an equivalent or alternative method, to determine the VOC and solids content of the as-supplied finishing material. If solvent or other VOC is added to the finishing material before application, the wood furniture manufacturing operation shall maintain documentation showing the VOC content of the finishing material as-applied, in kilograms of VOC per kilogram of solids (kg VOC/kg solids).

    (2) To comply through the use of a control system as described in section 3(a)(5) of this rule the following are required:

    (A) Determine the overall control efficiency needed to demonstrate compliance using Equation 3:

    Equation 3: O = ((V - E)/V)(100)




    overall control efficiency of the capture system and control device as percentage.




    actual VOC content of the finishing system material or, if multiple finishing materials are used, the daily weighted average VOC content of all finishing materials, as-applied to the substrate in pounds of VOC per pound of solids (lbs VOC/lb solids).




    equivalent VOC emission limits in lbs VOC/lb solids.

    (B) Document that the value of V in Equation 3 is obtained from the VOC and solids content of the as-applied finishing material.

    (C) Calculate the overall efficiency of the capture system and control device, using the procedures in section 7 of this rule, and demonstrate that the value of the overall control efficiency thus estimated is equal to or greater than the value of O calculated by Equation 3.

      (b) Initial compliance shall be demonstrated as follows:

    (1) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the provisions of section 3(a)(1) through 3(a)(3) or 3(b) of this rule that are complying through the procedures established in subsection (a)(1) shall submit an initial compliance status report, as required by sections 5 and 9 of this rule, stating that compliant sealers and topcoats and strippable booth coatings are being used by the wood furniture manufacturing operations.

    (2) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the provisions of section 3(a)(1) through 3(a)(3) or 3(b) of this rule that are complying through the procedures established in subsection (a)(1) and are applying sealers and topcoats using continuous coaters shall demonstrate initial compliance by either of the following:

    (A) Submitting an initial compliance status report stating that compliant sealers and topcoats, as determined by the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir and the VOC content as calculated from records, are being used.

    (B) Submitting an initial compliance status report stating that compliant sealers or topcoats, as determined by the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir, are being used and the viscosity of the finishing material in the reservoir is being monitored. The wood furniture manufacturing operation shall also provide data that demonstrates the correlation between the viscosity of the finishing material and the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir.

    (3) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation using a control system or capture or control device to comply with the requirements of this rule, as allowed by section 3(a)(5) of this rule and subsection (a)(2) shall demonstrate initial compliance by doing the following:

    (A) On or before January 1, 1996, conducting an initial compliance test using the procedures and test methods listed in section 7 of this rule.

    (B) On or before January 1, 1996, calculating the overall control efficiency.

    (C) On or before January 1, 1996, determining those operating conditions critical to determining compliance and establishing operating parameters that will ensure compliance with the standards as follows:

    (i) For compliance with a thermal incinerator, minimum combustion temperature shall be the operating parameter.

    (ii) For compliance with a catalytic incinerator equipped with a fixed catalyst bed, the minimum gas temperature both upstream and downstream of the catalyst bed shall be the operating parameter.

    (iii) For compliance with a catalytic incinerator equipped with a fluidized catalyst bed, the minimum gas temperature upstream of the catalyst bed and the pressure drop across the catalyst bed shall be the operating parameters.

    (iv) For compliance with a carbon adsorber, the operating parameters shall be either the total regeneration mass stream flow for each regeneration cycle and the carbon bed temperature after each regeneration, or the concentration level of organic compounds exiting the adsorber, unless the owner or operator requests and receives approval from the commissioner to establish other operating parameters.

    (v) For compliance with a control device not listed in this rule, the owner or operator shall submit to the department a description of the control device, test data, verifying the performance of the device, and appropriate operating values that will be monitored to demonstrate continuous compliance with the standard. Compliance using this device is subject to the commissioner’s approval.

    (D) Owners or operators complying with this subdivision shall calculate the site-specific operating parameter value as the arithmetic average of the maximum or minimum operating parameter values, as appropriate, that demonstrate compliance with the standards, during the initial compliance test required in subsection (c)(3)(A)(iv).

    (E) On or before May 1, 1996, submitting a monitoring plan that identifies the operating parameter to be monitored for the capture device and discusses why the parameter is appropriate for demonstrating ongoing compliance.

    (4) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the continuous compliance plan (CCP) in section 5 of this rule shall submit an initial compliance status report, as required by section 9(b) of this rule, stating that the CCP has been developed and procedures have been established for implementing the provisions of the plan.

      (c) Continuous compliance shall be demonstrated as follows:

    (1) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the provisions of section 3 of this rule that are complying through the procedures established in subsection (a)(1) shall demonstrate continuous compliance by using compliant materials, maintaining records that demonstrate the finishing materials are compliant, and submitting a compliance certification with the semiannual report required by section 9(c) of this rule. The compliance certification requirements shall be as follows:

    (A) State that compliant sealers and topcoats and strippable booth coatings have been used each day in the semiannual reporting period, or should otherwise identify the days of noncompliance and the reasons for noncompliance. A wood furniture manufacturing operation is in violation of the standard whenever a noncompliant material, as determined by records or by a sample of the finishing material, is used. Use of a noncompliant material is a separate violation for each day the noncompliant material is used.

    (B) The compliance certification shall be signed by a responsible official.

    (2) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the provisions of section 3 of this rule that are complying through the procedures established in subsection (a)(1) and are applying sealers and topcoats using continuous coaters shall demonstrate continuous compliance by use of the following procedures:

    (A) Using compliant materials, as determined by the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir and the VOC content as calculated from records, and submitting a compliance certification with the semiannual report required by section 9(c) of this rule. The compliance certificate requirements shall be as follows:

    (i) State that compliant sealers and topcoats have been used each day in the semiannual reporting period, or should otherwise identify the days of noncompliance and the reasons for noncompliance. A wood furniture manufacturing operation is in violation of the standard whenever a noncompliant material, as determined by records or by a sample of the finishing material, is used. Use of a noncompliant material is a separate violation for each day the noncompliant material is used.

    (ii) The compliance certification shall be signed by a responsible official.

    (B) Using compliant materials, as determined by the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir, maintaining a viscosity of the finishing material in the reservoir that is no less than the viscosity of the initial finishing material by monitoring the viscosity with a viscosity meter or by testing the viscosity of the initial finishing material and retesting the material in the reservoir each time solvent is added, maintaining records of solvent additions, and submitting a compliance certification with the semiannual report required by section 9(c) of this rule. The compliance certification requirements shall be as follows:

    (i) State that compliant sealers and topcoats, as determined by the VOC content of the finishing material in the reservoir, have been used each day in the semiannual reporting period. Additionally, the certification shall state that the viscosity of the finishing material in the reservoir has not been less than the viscosity of the initial finishing material, that is, the material that is initially mixed and placed in the reservoir, for any day in the semiannual reporting period.

    (ii) The compliance certification shall be signed by a responsible official.

    (iii) A wood furniture manufacturing operation is in violation of the standard when a sample of the as-applied finishing material exceeds the applicable limit established in section 3(a)(1) through 3(a)(3) of this rule, as determined using EPA Method 24*, or an equivalent or alternative method, or the viscosity of the finishing material in the reservoir is less than the viscosity of the initial finishing material.

    (3) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the provisions of section 3 of this rule that are complying through the use of a control system or a capture or control device shall demonstrate continuous compliance by complying with the control system operation, maintenance, and testing, and control system monitoring, record keeping, and reporting requirements as follows:

    (A) For sources choosing to meet the emission limit requirements of section 3(a)(5) of this rule at any facility using a control device or devices, the following requirements apply:

    (i) The control system shall be operated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations but may be modified based upon the results of the initial or subsequent compliance test or upon the written request of the department.

    (ii) The operating and maintenance procedures shall be followed beginning no later than January 1, 1996. A copy of the procedures shall be submitted to the department no later than May 1, 1996.

    (iii) A copy of the operating and maintenance procedures shall be maintained in a convenient location at the source property and as close to the control system as possible for the reference of plant personnel and department inspectors.

    (iv) The control system shall be tested according to the following schedule and under the following situations:

    (AA) An initial compliance test shall be conducted on or before January 1, 1996, and every two (2) years after the date of the initial test.

    (BB) A compliance test shall also be conducted whenever the owner or operator chooses to operate a control system under conditions different from those that were in place at the time of the previous compliance test.

    (CC) If the owner or operator chooses to change the method of compliance with section 3 of this rule, a compliance test shall be performed within three (3) months of the change.

    (DD) A compliance test shall also be performed within ninety (90) days of the receipt of a written request from the department or the U.S. EPA.

    (EE) All compliance tests shall be conducted according to a protocol approved by the department at least thirty (30) days before the test. The protocol shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:

    (aa) Test procedures.

    (bb) Operating and control system parameters.

    (cc) Type of VOC containing process material being used.

    (dd) The process and control system parameters that will be monitored during the test.

    (B) Control system monitoring, record keeping, and reporting requirements are as follows:

    (i) Sources that choose to meet the emission limit requirements of section 3 of this rule with the use of a control device or devices shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate, according to the manufacturer’s specification, the following monitoring equipment unless an alternative monitoring procedure has been approved by the commissioner:

    (AA) If a thermal incinerator is used for VOC reduction, a temperature monitoring device capable of continuously recording the temperature of the gas stream in the combustion zone of the incinerator shall be used. The temperature monitoring device shall have an accuracy of one percent (1%) of the temperature being measured in degrees centigrade or plus or minus five-tenths degree Centigrade (0.5°C), whichever is greater.

    (BB) If a catalytic incinerator is used for VOC reduction, a temperature device capable of continuously recording the temperature in the gas stream immediately before and after the catalyst bed of the incinerator shall be used. The temperature monitoring device shall have an accuracy of one percent (1%) of the temperature being measured in degrees centigrade plus or minus five-tenths degree Centigrade (0.5°C), whichever is greater.

    (CC) If a carbon adsorber is used to remove and recover VOC from the gas stream, a VOC monitoring device capable of continuously recording the concentration level of VOC at the outlet of the carbon bed shall be used. The monitoring device shall be based on a detection principle such as infrared, photoionization, or thermal conductivity.

    (DD) Where a VOC recovery device other than a carbon adsorber is used, the source shall provide to the department information describing the operation of the device and the process parameters that would indicate proper operation and maintenance of the control device. The department may request further information and will specify appropriate monitoring procedures and reporting requirements.

    (ii) Sources subject to the requirements of this rule shall maintain the following records:

    (AA) A log of the operating time of the facility, the facility’s capture system, control device, and monitoring equipment.

    (BB) A maintenance log for the capture system, the control device, and the monitoring equipment detailing all routine and nonroutine maintenance performed. The log shall include the dates and duration of any outages of the capture system, the control device, or the monitoring system.

    (CC) The following additional records shall be maintained for facilities using thermal incinerators:

    (aa) Continuous records of the temperature in the gas stream in the combustion zone of the incinerator.

    (bb) Records of all three (3) hour periods of operation for which the average combustion temperature of the gas stream in the combustion zone was more than fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50°F) below the combustion zone temperature that existed during the most recent compliance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance.

    (DD) The following additional records shall be maintained for facilities using catalytic incinerators:

    (aa) Continuous records of the temperature of the gas stream both upstream and downstream of the catalyst bed of the incinerator.

    (bb) Records of all three (3) hour periods of operation for which the average temperature measured at the process vent stream immediately before the catalyst bed is more than fifty degrees Fahrenheit (50°F) below the average temperature of the process vent stream that existed during the most recent compliance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance.

    (cc) Records of all three (3) hour periods of operation for which the average temperature difference across the catalyst bed is less than eighty percent (80%) of the temperature difference measured during the most recent compliance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance.

    (EE) The following additional records shall be maintained for facilities using carbon adsorbers:

    (aa) Continuous records of the VOC concentration level or reading in the exhaust stream of the carbon adsorber.

    (bb) Records of all three (3) hour periods of operation during which the average VOC concentration level or reading in the exhaust gas is more than twenty percent (20%) greater than the average exhaust gas concentration level or reading measured by the organic monitoring device during the most recent determination of the recovery efficiency of the carbon adsorber that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance.

    (FF) Facilities using VOC recovery devices other than carbon adsorbers shall maintain the monitoring records and meet the reporting requirements specified by item (i)(DD).

    (GG) Information requirements in subitems (BB), (CC)(bb), (DD)(bb), (DD)(cc), and (EE)(bb) shall be submitted to the department within thirty (30) days of occurrence. The following information shall accompany the submittal:

    (aa) The name and location of the facility.

    (bb) Identification of the control system where the excess emission occurred and the facility it served.

    (cc) The time, date, and duration of the exceedance.

    (dd) Corrective action taken.

    (4) Owners or operators of a wood furniture manufacturing operation subject to the CCP in section 5 of this rule shall demonstrate continuous compliance by following the provisions of the CCP and submitting a compliance certification with the semiannual report required by section 9(c) of this rule. The compliance certification requirements shall be as follows:

    (A) State that the CCP is being followed, or shall otherwise identify the periods of noncompliance with the work practice standards. Each failure to implement an obligation under the plan during any particular day is a separate violation.

    (B) The compliance certification shall be signed by a responsible official.

      *This document is incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. (Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 8-11-6; filed Dec 5, 1995, 8:30 a.m.: 19 IR 1068; errata filed Apr 9, 1996, 2:30 p.m.: 19 IR 2045; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1568; filed Aug 26, 2004, 11:30 a.m.: 28 IR 61)