Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
Rule 326IAC6-6. Source Specific and Facility Emission Limitations for TSP in Porter County |
Section 326IAC6-6-2. Methods to determine compliance
(a) This section applies to the emission limitations contained in 326 IAC 6-6-4.
(b) All lb/ton (pound per ton) emission factor limits are expressed as "pounds of particulate emissions per ton of product" unless otherwise stated. By-products which may be sold as product shall not be included under the term "product."
(c) All lb/MMBtu (pounds per million Btu) emission factor limits are expressed as "pounds of particulate emissions per million Btu of fuel(s) fired in the source" unless otherwise stated.
(d) Fuel usage data may be used to determine compliance for any non-fossil-fuel-fired source and any fossil fuel-fired source that does not have a gas cleaning device which is used to reduce particulate emissions to the atmosphere, provided that the following procedures are followed:
(1) The owner/operator shall collect fuel usage data at least once per month and shall record them in a log which is readily available for inspection. Records must be retained for two (2) years from the date of collection.
(2) The following fuel usage data shall be recorded for each source monthly:
(A) number of hours in operation;
(B) cubic feet of each gaseous fuel fired;
(C) gallons of each liquid fuel fired;
(D) pounds of each solid fuel fired.
(3) Compliance shall be determined using the equations in Table 1. An equivalent alternate method may be used with prior approval of the commissioner.
TABLE 1. Fuel Use Equations
(i) For sources with emission limits expressed in lb/hr:
Fl through Fi
the quantities (e.g., million cu. ft.) of each fuel type used in one (1) month.
El through Ei
the emission factors (e.g., lb/million cu.ft.) corresponding to the fuel types used; the most recent emissions factors obtained by the procedures required by subdivision (d)(4) of this section shall be used.
Total emissions in lbs/hr.
(ii) For sources with short-term emission limits expressed in lb/MMBtu:
Fl through Fi
the quantities (e.g., million cu.ft.) of each fuel type used in one (1) month.
Hl through Hi
the heat content factors (e.g., BTU/cu.ft.) corresponding to the fuel types used; the most recent heat content factors obtained by the procedures required by subdivision (d)(4) of this section shall be used.
El through Ei
the emission factors (e.g., lb/million cu.ft.) corresponding to the fuel types used; the most recent emissions factors obtained by the procedures required by subdivision (d)(4) of this section shall be used.
Total emissions in lbs/MMBtu.
(4) Once each calendar quarter the owner/operator shall conduct sampling and analysis to determine the heat content factors (i.e., Hi) contained in the equations set forth in this subsection.
Once each calendar quarter the owner/operator shall conduct sampling and analysis to determine the sulfur content of No. 6 fuel oil and shall calculate the emission factor for this fuel using the following equation:
(10)S + 3 = EF
the particulate emission factor for No. 6 fuel oil (i.e., lb/1,000 gal.)
percent sulfur in the fuel, by weight.
The sampling and test methodologies used must be approved by the commissioner. The most recent No. 6 fuel oil emission factor obtained using the above procedure shall be used in emission rate calculations. The emission factors used for fuels other than No. 6 fuel oil shall be as follows:
Emission Factor
Natural Gas
5.0 lbs per MM SCF
Blast Furnace Gas
1.5 lbs per MM SCF
Coke Oven Gas
6.6 lbs per MM SCF
0.44 lbs per 1,000 gallons
Waste Oil
8.8 lbs per 1,000 gallons
No. 2 Fuel Oil
2.0 lbs per 1,000 gallons
(5) Within thirty (30) days of the end of each monthly monitoring period the owner/operator shall calculate the pounds of particulate matter emitted per hour, or lb/MMBtu as applicable from each source using the equation given in this subsection. Results of these calculations must be retained for two (2) years. An equivalent alternate method and/or frequency may be used with the prior approval of the commissioner.
(6) A list of those sources which will rely on fuel usage data to determine compliance with their emission limitations is shown in Table 2:
TABLE 2. List of Sources Using Fuel Use Data to Determine Compliance with Particulate Emissions Limitations
Blast Furnace Stoves
Blast Furnace Flare
BOF Shop FM Boiler
Slab Mill Soaking Pits (32)
Slab Mill Soaking Pits (4)
Plate Mill Furnace No. 1 and Boiler No. 1
Plate Mill Furnace No. 2 and Boiler No. 3
160 Inch Plate Mill Boiler No. 2
160 Inch Plate Mill Boiler No. 4
160 Inch Plate Mill Furnaces No. 1 and 2
160 Inch Plate Mill In and Out Furnaces No. 4 and 5
160 Inch Plate Mill In and Out Furnaces No. 6 and 7
160 Inch Plate Mill In and Out Furnace No. 8
110 Inch Plate Mill Normalizing Furnace
160 Inch Plate Mill Heat Treating Furnace
80 Inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 1
80 Inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 2
80 Inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 3
Continuous Anneal Furnace
Batch Anneal Furnaces (24)
Continuous Anneal Preheating
Continuous Anneal Heating and Soaking
Continuous Anneal Reheating
Power Station Boiler Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
Power Station Boiler No. 7
(7) Within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter the owner/operator shall submit to the commissioner a written report of any emissions exceeding the applicable limits and the nature and cause of the excess emissions, if known.
(e) When required by the commissioner the owner/operator shall make any stack modifications necessary to permit a stack test in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Methods 1-5.
(1) List of sources for which stack tests are required to determine compliance with particulate emission limitations
The BOF shop: Nos. 1 and 2 Vessel Scrubber stacks (three (3) stacks) shall be tested once in each four (4) year period.
The sinter plant windbox scrubber stack shall be tested once in each two (2) year period.
The sinter plant dedusting baghouse stack shall be tested once in each two (2) year period.
The coke oven battery nos. 1 and 2 pushing emissions control system stacks (two (2) stacks) shall be tested once in each four (4) year period.
(f) If a compliance determination based on fuel usage data does not agree with a compliance determination based on stack test data, the determination based on stack test data shall govern. Stack test data may reflect a total sampling time of less than twenty-four (24) hours and be acceptable for such a compliance determination.
(g) Application for an alternative source-specific opacity limit may not be based on fuel usage data.
(h) Stack tests of fossil-fuel-fired sources shall include soot blowing at a frequency that is representative of normal operations.
(i) Compliance with the coke quenching water quality limits shall be determined according to the procedures given below:
(1) The water as applied to the coke shall be sampled once per calendar quarter. Samples shall be collected once per day per tower for five (5) consecutive days and shall be composited into one (1) sample for each tower.
(2) Each composite sample shall be analyzed for total dissolved solids (TDS), in accordance with ASTM D-1888-78, Method A or an equivalent method approved by the commissioner, with the results expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/l).
(3) Compliance shall be determined on the basis of the results of the composite sample for each tower. Alternate testing and/or analysis intervals may be used with prior approval of the board.
(j) Compliance with applicable particulate emission limitations for stack sources for which compliance is not based on fuel monitoring shall be determined on the basis of opacity observations performed in accordance with 326 IAC 5-1. The following exceptions to 326 IAC 5-1 shall apply:
(1) When observing visible emissions, the observer may choose not to position himself with the sun in the one hundred forty (140) degree sector at his back provided the day is cloudy or overcast, causing the sun to be hidden from the observer.
(2) When determining an average opacity, the readings immediately preceding and following any interference or exceptions, as allowed by the limit, shall be deemed consecutive.
(3) Compliance with emission limits for baghouse discharges shall be determined as follows:
Visible emissions in excess of an average twenty percent (20%) opacity in twenty-four (24) consecutive readings shall constitute evidence of a violation of the applicable particulate emission limit. The commissioner may require a stack test performed in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Methods 1-5, to verify the mass emission rate.
(4) The commissioner may require stack tests in addition to the specific requirements of this rule (326 IAC 6-6). When such testing is required, the owner/operator shall permit the performance of stack tests in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Methods 1-5.
(k) Alternative opacity as provided for in 326 IAC 5-1-5 shall not apply to groups of sources collectively subject to a single mass emission limit.
(l) When compliance testing is required for those groups of sources collectively subject to a single mass emission limit, the testing need not be conducted simultaneously.
(m) Any revision to this rule (326 IAC 6-6) and the technical support document must be submitted to the U.S. EPA as a revision of the state implementation plan.
(n) In determining compliance for coke oven pushing, charging, oven door leaks, and charging lid and off-take leaks, the requirements specified under 326 IAC 11-3 shall govern. The mass emission limits for these sources given in this rule (326 IAC 6-6) shall be used only for the purpose of determining emission offsets resulting from source shutdown.
(o) Testing required by the commissioner to determine the amount of particulate matter emitted from any non-stack source or facility subject to the requirements of this rule (326 IAC 6-6) shall be conducted in accordance with procedures approved by the commissioner.
*Copies of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) referenced in 326 IAC 6-6 may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. (Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 6-6-2; filed Mar 10, 1988, 1:20 pm: 11 IR 2506; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1568)