Section 326IAC10-4-1. Applicability  

Latest version.
  •    (a) This rule establishes a NOx emissions budget and NOx trading program for electricity generating units and large affected units as described in this rule. The following units shall be NOx budget units, and any source that includes one (1) or more NOx budget units shall be a NOx budget source and shall be subject to the requirements of this rule:

    (1) An electricity generating unit (EGU) as defined under section 2(16) of this rule.

    (2) A large affected unit as defined in section 2(27) of this rule.

      (b) A unit described under subsection (a) shall not be a NOx budget unit if the unit has a federally enforceable permit that meets the requirements of subdivisions (1) and (2) as follows:

    (1) The federally enforceable permit includes terms and conditions that restrict the:

    (A) unit to burning only natural gas or fuel oil during the ozone control period in 2004 or the first year of operation for the source and each ozone control period thereafter; and

    (B) unit's potential NOx mass emissions for the ozone control period to twenty-five (25) tons or less.

    (2) For each ozone control period, the federally enforceable permit must do the following:

    (A) Restrict the unit to burning only natural gas or fuel oil during an ozone control period in 2004 or later and each ozone control period thereafter.

    (B) Include one (1) of the following mechanisms for ensuring that the unit's ozone control period NOx emissions do not exceed twenty-five (25) tons:

    (i) Limit the unit's total actual control period emissions to twenty-five (25) tons of NOx emissions, measured by a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) in accordance with 40 CFR 75, Subpart H* and section 12 of this rule or monitoring approved under 40 CFR 75, Appendix E*.

    (ii) Restrict the unit's fuel use and operating hours to the number calculated by dividing twenty-five (25) tons of potential NOx mass emissions by the unit's maximum potential hourly NOx mass emissions, where the unit's potential NOx mass emissions shall be calculated as follows:

    (AA) Select the default NOx emission rate in 40 CFR 75.19(c), Table LM-2* that would otherwise be applicable assuming that the unit burns only the type of fuel, for example, only natural gas or only fuel oil, that has the highest default NOx emission factor of any type of fuel that the unit is allowed to burn under the fuel use restriction in clause (A).

    (BB) Multiply the default NOx emission rate under subitem (AA) by the unit's maximum rated hourly heat input. The owner or operator of the unit may petition the department to use a lower value for the unit's maximum rated hourly heat input than the value as defined under section 2(25) of this rule. The department may approve the lower value if the owner or operator demonstrates that the maximum hourly heat input specified by the manufacturer or the highest observed hourly heat input, or both, are not representative, and that the lower value is representative of the unit's current capabilities because modifications have been made to the unit, limiting its capacity permanently.

    (iii) Restrict the unit's usage of each fuel that it is authorized to burn such that the unit's potential NOx mass emissions will not exceed twenty-five (25) tons per ozone control period, calculated as follows:

    (AA) Identify the default NOx emission rate in 40 CFR 75.19(c), Table LM-2* or an alternative emission rate determined in accordance with 40 CFR 75.19(c)(1)(iv)* for each type of fuel that the unit is allowed to burn under the fuel use restriction in clause (A).

    (BB) Identify the amount of each type of fuel (in MMBtu) that the unit burned during the ozone control period.

    (CC) For each type of fuel identified in subitem (BB), multiply the default NOx emission rate under subitem (AA) and the amount (in MMBtu) of the fuels burned by the unit during the ozone control period.

    (DD) Sum the products in subitem (CC) to verify that the unit's NOx emissions were equal to or less than twenty-five (25) tons.

    (C) Require that the owner or operator of the unit shall retain records, on site at the source or at a central location within Indiana for those owner or operators with unattended sources that includes the unit for a period of five (5) years, demonstrating that the terms and conditions of the permit related to these restrictions were met. Records retained at a central location within Indiana shall be available immediately at the location and submitted to the department or U.S. EPA within three (3) business days following receipt of a written request. Nothing in this clause shall alter the record retention requirements for a source under 40 CFR 75*.

    (D) Require that the owner or operator of the unit shall report the unit's fuel use and hours of operation, treating any partial hour of operation as a whole hour of operation, or such other parameter as is being used to demonstrate compliance with the twenty-five (25) ton per ozone control period during each ozone control period to the department by November 1 of each year for which the unit is subject to the federally enforceable permit.

    The unit shall be subject only to the requirements of this subsection starting with the effective date of the federally enforceable permit under subdivision (1).

    (3) Within thirty (30) days after a final decision, the department shall notify the U.S. EPA in writing when a unit under subsection (a):

    (A) is issued a federally enforceable permit under this subsection; or

    (B) whose federally enforceable permit issued by the department under this subsection:

    (i) is revised to remove any restriction;

    (ii) includes any restriction that is no longer applicable; or

    (iii) does not comply with any restriction.

    (4) A unit described under this subsection shall be a NOx budget unit subject to the requirements of this rule if one (1) of the following occurs for any ozone control period:

    (A) The fuel use restriction under subdivision (2)(A) or the applicable restriction under subdivision (2)(B) is removed from the unit's federally enforceable permit or otherwise becomes no longer applicable.

    (B) The unit does not comply with the fuel use restriction under subdivision (3)(A) or the applicable restriction under subdivision (2)(B).

    The unit shall be treated as commencing operation and, for a unit under subsection (a)(1), commencing commercial operation on September 30 of the ozone control period for which the fuel use restriction or the applicable restriction is no longer applicable or during which the unit does not comply with the fuel use restriction or the applicable restriction.

    (5) A unit exempt under this subsection shall comply with the restriction in subdivision (2) during the ozone control period in each year.

    (6) The department will allocate NOx allowances to the unit under section 9(d) of this rule. For each control period for which the unit is allocated NOx allowances under section 9(d) of this rule:

    (A) the owners or operators of the unit must specify a general account, in which U.S. EPA will record the NOx allowances; and

    (B) after U.S. EPA records the NOx allowance allocation under section 9(d) of this rule, the U.S. EPA will deduct, from the general account in clause (A), NOx allowances that:

    (i) are allocated for the same or a prior ozone control period as the NOx allowances allocated under section 9(d) of this rule; and

    (ii) equal the NOx emission limitation (in tons of NOx) on which the unit's exemption under this subsection is based.

    The NOx authorized account representative shall ensure that the general account contains the NOx allowances necessary for completion of the deduction.

      *These documents are incorporated by reference. Copies may be obtained from the Government Printing Office, 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20401 or are available for review and copying at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Air Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, Tenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. (Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 10-4-1; filed Aug 17, 2001, 3:45 p.m.: 25 IR 18; filed Jul 7, 2003, 4:00 p.m.: 26 IR 3551; filed Jan 27, 2006, 11:25 a.m.: 29 IR 1877)