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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 326IAC7-4. Emission Limitations and Requirements by County |
Section 326IAC7-4-14. Porter County sulfur dioxide emission limitations
The following sources and facilities located in Porter County shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in pounds per million Btu (lbs/MMBtu) and pounds per hour (lbs/hr), unless otherwise specified, and other requirements:
(1) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall comply with the following:
(A) The following facilities shall burn natural gas only:
(i) BOF Shop FM Boiler.
(ii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Hardening and Annealing Heat Treatment Furnace.
(iii) 160 inch Plate Mill Boilers No. 2 and 4.
(iv) Batch Annealing Furnaces (24).
(v) Continuous Heat Treat Line ─ Preheat, Heating and Soaking, and Reheat.
(B) The following facilities shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations and other requirements:
Emission Limitations
Facility Description
(i) Blast Furnace C Stoves
(ii) Blast Furnace D Stoves
(iii) Sinter Plant Windbox
1.0 pound per ton process material
(iv) No. 1 Coke Battery Underfire
(v) No. 2 Coke Battery Underfire
(vi) Slab Mill Soaking Pits:
(AA) Not more than nine (9) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may be fired on coke oven gas at the same time with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four hundred eighty-two (482) pounds per hour.
(BB) The remaining twenty-three (23) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed twenty-four (24) pounds per hour.
(CC) The four (4) vertically discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four (4) pounds per hour.
(vii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 1 and Boiler No. 1
(viii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 2 and Boiler No. 3
(ix) 80 inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 1, 2, and 3
79 each
(x) 110 inch Plate Mill Furnaces No. 1 and 2
(xi) 110 inch Plate Mill Normalizing Furnace
(xii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 and 5
(xiii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 and 7
(xiv) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnace No. 8
(xv) Power Station Boiler No. 7
(xvi) Power Station Boilers No. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
(C) As an alternative to the sulfur dioxide emission limitations specified in clause (B), ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall comply with the sulfur dioxide emission limitations and other requirements as follows:
Emission Limitations
Facility Description
(i) Blast Furnace C Stoves
(ii) Blast Furnace D Stoves
(iii) Sinter Plant Windbox
1.0 pound per ton process material
(iv) No. 1 Coke Battery Underfire
(v) No. 2 Coke Battery Underfire
(vi) Slab Mill Soaking Pits:
(AA) Not more than six (6) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may be fired on coke oven gas at the same time with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed two hundred ninety-two (292) pounds per hour.
(BB) The remaining twenty-six (26) of thirty-two (32) horizontally discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed twenty-seven (27) pounds per hour.
(CC) The four (4) vertically discharged soaking pits may burn blast furnace or natural gas, or both, with total sulfur dioxide emissions not to exceed four (4) pounds per hour.
(vii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 1 and Boiler No. 1
(viii) 160 inch Plate Mill Continuous Reheat Furnace No. 2 and Boiler No. 3
(ix) 80 inch Hot Strip Mill Furnace No. 1, 2, and 3
483 each
(x) 110 inch Plate Mill Furnaces No. 1 and 2
(xi) 110 inch Plate Mill Normalizing Furnace
(xii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 and 5
If 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 or 7, or both, are in operation on a fuel other than natural gas, Furnaces No. 4 and 5 shall not operate or shall burn natural gas only.
(xiii) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 6 and 7
If 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnaces No. 4 or 5, or both, are in operation on a fuel other than natural gas, Furnaces No. 6 and 7 shall not operate or shall burn natural gas only.
(xiv) 160 inch Plate Mill I & O Furnace No. 8
(xv) Power Station Boilers No. 7
(xvi) Power Station Boilers No. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
1.45 total
2,500 total
(xvii) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall notify the department at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to reliance on the alternative set of limits specified in items (i) through (xvi). ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall maintain records of fuel type and operational status of facilities listed in items (xii) and (xiii) and shall make the records available to the department upon request.
(xviii) For the purposes of 326 IAC 7-2-1(c)(2), compliance shall be determined based on separate calendar month averages for the set of requirements specified in this clause and for the set of requirements specified in clause (B).
(D) Coke oven gas usage at facilities other than the No. 1 and 2 Coke Battery Underfire Stacks shall be restricted to not more than seventy-five (75) million cubic feet per day. Total sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (B)(i) through (B)(iii), (B)(vi)(AA) through (B)(vi)(BB), (B)(vii) through (B)(x), and (B)(xii) through (B)(xvi) shall not exceed four thousand four hundred twenty-nine (4,429) pounds per hour. During periods in which the limits contained in clause (C) are in effect, coke oven gas usage at facilities other than the No. 1 and 2 Coke Battery Underfire Stacks shall be restricted to not more than seventy (70) million cubic feet per day, and total sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (C)(i) through (C)(iii), (C)(vi)(AA) through (C)(vi)(BB), (C)(vii) through (C)(x), and (C)(xii) through (C)(xvi) shall not exceed four thousand six hundred thirty (4,630) pounds per hour.
(E) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall achieve compliance with the requirements specified in clause (B) or (C) prior to December 31, 1988. Thereafter, ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit a report to the department within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar quarter containing the following information:
(i) Records of the total coke oven gas, blast furnace gas, fuel oil, and natural gas usage for each day at each facility listed in clauses (B) and (C).
(ii) Records of the:
(AA) average sulfur content and heating value as determined per the procedures specified in clause (F) for each fuel type used during the calendar quarter; and
(BB) maximum number of slab mill soaking pits burning coke oven gas at any given time during each day.
(iii) The calculated sulfur dioxide emission rate in the applicable emission units (pounds per hour, pounds per million Btu, or pounds per ton) for each facility for each day and the average sulfur dioxide emissions from the facilities listed in clause (C)(i) through (C)(iii), (C)(vi)(AA) through (C)(vi)(BB), (C)(vii) through (C)(x), and (C)(xii) through (C)(xvi) for each day in pounds per hour during the calendar quarter.
(F) ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor LLC shall submit a sampling and analysis protocol to the department by December 31, 1988. The protocol shall:
(i) contain a description of planned procedures for:
(AA) sampling of sulfur-bearing fuels and materials;
(BB) analysis of the sulfur content; and
(CC) any planned direct measurement of sulfur dioxide emissions vented to the atmosphere; and
(ii) specify the frequency of sampling, analysis, and measurement for each:
(AA) fuel and material; and
(BB) facility.
The department shall incorporate the protocol into the source's operation permit per procedures specified in 326 IAC 2. The department may revise the protocol as necessary to establish acceptable sampling, analysis, and measurements procedures and frequency. The department may also require that a source conduct a stack test at any facility listed in this subdivision within thirty (30) days of written notification by the department.
(2) Northern Indiana Public Service Company Bailly Station shall comply with the following:
Emission Limitations
Facility Description
(A) Boilers 7 and 8
6.0 each
Boilers 7 and 8 shall be fired with coal, fuel oil, or natural gas.
(B) Gas Turbine 10
natural gas only
(3) Midwest Steel shall comply with the following:
Emission Limitations
Facility Description
Babcock and Wilcox Boiler 1 and Erie City Boilers No. 1, 2, and 3
1.33 each
Only two (2) of four (4) boilers may burn fuel oil with a sulfur dioxide emission rate greater than three-tenths (0.3) pounds per million Btu at the same time. Midwest Steel shall maintain records of fuel type for each boiler for each hour. The records of fuel type shall be made available to the department upon request.
(4) Air Products and Chemical shall comply with the following:
Facility Description
Emission Limitations
All boilers and the No. 3 Hydrogen Reformer
natural gas only
(Air Pollution Control Division; 326 IAC 7-4-14; filed Aug 28, 1990, 4:50 p.m.: 14 IR 78; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 24 IR 1477; errata filed Dec 12, 2002, 3:35 p.m.: 26 IR 1568; filed Sep 29, 2009, 3:00 p.m.: 20091028-IR-326070088FRA)