Section 315IAC1-3-14. Petition for judicial review  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A party who wishes to take judicial review of a final order entered under this article shall serve copies of the petition for judicial review upon the persons described in IC 4-21.5-5.

      (b) The copy of the petition required under IC 4-21.5-5-8(a)(1) to be served upon the ultimate authority shall be served upon the ELJ issuing the order being appealed at the office of environmental adjudication. (Office of Environmental Adjudication; 315 IAC 1-3-14; filed Jun 2, 1998, 3:47 p.m.: 21 IR 3738; readopted filed Aug 11, 2004,12:04 p.m.: 28 IR 323; filed Sep 16, 2005, 1:40 p.m.: 29 IR 475; filed Apr 3, 2009, 2:09 p.m.: 20090429-IR-315080689FRA; readopted filed May 18, 2010, 1:45 p.m.: 20100602-IR-315100174RFA; readopted filed Apr 25, 2016, 2:08 p.m.: 20160518-IR-315160051RFA)