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Indiana Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 20, 2016) |
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Rule 312IAC9-6. Sport Fishing, Commercial Fishing; Definitions, Restrictions, and Standards |
Section 312IAC9-6-1. Definitions pertaining to fish and fishing activities
In addition to the definitions in 312 IAC 9-1, the following definitions apply throughout this rule and 312 IAC 9-7 through 312 IAC 9-10:
(1) "Alewife" means the species Alosa pseudoharengus.
(2) "American eel" means the species Anguilla rostrata.
(3) "Aquarium pet trade" means the business of importing, producing, or selling live fish for display in:
(A) aquariums;
(B) tanks; or
(C) other continuing exhibits.
(4) "Artificial lure" means a man-made object used to attract fish with attached single-prong or multiple-prong hooks, excluding bait as defined in this rule.
(5) "Asian carp" means the following:
(A) Bighead carp.
(B) Black carp.
(C) Grass carp.
(D) Silver carp.
(6) "Atlantic salmon" means the species Salmo salar.
(7) "Bait" means the following:
(A) Natural fish food including bait fish, crayfish, frogs permitted as bait, grubs, insects, larvae, worms, salmon eggs, cheese, corn, and other food substances not containing any ingredient to stupefy, injure, or kill fish.
(B) Any substance designed to attract fish by taste or scent including dough bait, putty or paste-type bait, and any fly or lure or bait containing or used with such substances.
(C) Soft plastic bait (unscented) including synthetic eggs, synthetic worms, synthetic grubs, and soft plastic lures.
(8) "Bar mesh" means the length of one (1) side of the square mesh measure or as measured between two (2) knots on the same line.
(9) "Bighead carp" means the species Hypophthalmichthys nobilis.
(10) "Black bass" means the following species:
(A) Largemouth bass.
(B) Smallmouth bass.
(C) Spotted bass.
(11) "Black bullhead" means the species Ictalurus melas.
(12) "Black carp" means the species Mylopharyngodon piceus.
(13) "Black crappie" means the species Pomoxis nigromaculatus.
(14) "Bloater" means the species Coregonus hoyi.
(15) "Blue catfish" means the species Ictalurus furcatus.
(16) "Bluegill" means the species Lepomis macrochirus.
(17) "Bluntnose minnow" means the species Pimephales notatus.
(18) "Bowfin" means the species Amia calva.
(19) "Brook trout" means the species Salvelinus fontinalis.
(20) "Brown bullhead" means the species Ictalurus nebulosus.
(21) "Brown trout" means the species Salmo trutta.
(22) "Buffalo" means the genus Ictiobus.
(23) "Bullhead" means the following species:
(A) Black bullhead.
(B) Brown bullhead.
(C) Yellow bullhead.
(24) "Burbot" means the species Lota lota.
(25) "Carp" means the species Cyprinus carpio.
(26) "Cast net" means a net:
(A) not more than twenty (20) feet in diameter; and
(B) having stretch mesh not larger than three-fourths (3/4) inch; or
(C) having stretch mesh not larger than two (2) inches if used only on the waters listed in section 8(b)(1) of this rule.
(27) "Cavefish" means a fish of the family Amblyopsidae.
(28) "Chain pickerel" means the species Esox niger.
(29) "Channel catfish" means the species Ictalurus punctatus.
(30) "Chinook salmon" means the species Oncorhynchus tshawytscha.
(31) "Chub" means the following species:
(A) Bloater.
(B) Kiyi.
(32) "Cisco" means the species Coregonus artedii.
(33) "Closed aquaculture system" means a rearing facility designed to prevent the escape of cultured organisms to the wild.
(34) "Coho salmon" means the species Oncorhynchus kisutch.
(35) "Crappie" means the following:
(A) White crappie.
(B) Black crappie.
(36) "Dip net" means a dip net:
(A) not exceeding three (3) feet square;
(B) without sides or walls; and
(C) having stretch mesh not larger than one-half (1/2) inch.
(37) "Diploid" means a cell or organism that has two (2) complete sets of chromosomes.
(38) "Exotic catfish" means a walking catfish or other member of the family Clariidae.
(39) "Exotic fish" means:
(A) an exotic catfish;
(B) a bighead carp;
(C) a black carp;
(D) a silver carp;
(E) a white perch;
(F) a snakehead;
(G) a rudd;
(H) a ruffe;
(I) a tubenose goby;
(J) a round goby;
(K) a stone moroko;
(L) a wels catfish;
(M) a zander; or
(N) a hybrid or genetically altered fish of any of these species.
(40) "Fathead minnow" means the species Pimephales promelas.
(41) "Flathead catfish" means the species Pylodictis olivaris.
(42) "Fly" means an artificial lure constructed of any material except bait, as defined in this rule, attached to a single-prong hook.
(43) "Freshwater drum" means the species Aplodinotus grunniens.
(44) "Gaff" or "gaff hook" means an implement:
(A) of metal or another hard or tough material;
(B) with or without barbs;
(C) making a single hook having a shank with or without a handle; and
(D) that may be hand held to seize, hold, or sustain fish.
(45) "Gar" means the genus Lepisosteus.
(46) "Genetically altered fish" means a fish that is the product of genetic manipulation, including polyploidy, gynogenesis, gene transfer, and hormonal sex control.
(47) "Gizzard shad" means the species Dorosoma cepedianum.
(48) "Golden shiner" means the species Notemigonus crysoleucas.
(49) "Goldfish" means the species Carassius auratus.
(50) "Grab hook" means a device or implement used as a tong to clutch, close down upon, or grasp fish.
(51) "Grass carp" means the species Ctenopharyngodon idella.
(52) "Green sunfish" means the species Lepomis cyanellus.
(53) "Hook" includes either single-prong or multiple-prong hooks. A multiple-prong hook or two (2) or more single-prong hooks employed to hold a single bait, as defined in this rule, shall be considered a single hook in counting the allowable total in use.
(54) "Hybrid striped bass" means the hybrid of striped bass and white bass.
(55) "Hybrid sunfish" means a hybrid of the genus Lepomis.
(56) "Kiyi" means the species Coregonus kiyi.
(57) "Lake herring" means the species Coregonus artedii.
(58) "Lake sturgeon" means the species Acipenser fulvescens.
(59) "Lake trout" means the species Salvelinus namaycush.
(60) "Lake whitefish" means the species Coregonus clupeaformis.
(61) "Largemouth bass" means the species Micropterus salmoides.
(62) "Minnow" means the following:
(A) Species of the minnow family Cyprinidae, except the following:
(i) Exotic species identified at 312 IAC 9-6-7.
(ii) Endangered species identified at 312 IAC 9-6-9.
(B) The following species:
(i) Sucker.
(ii) Brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans).
(iii) Gizzard shad.
(iv) Threadfin shad.
(v) Alewife.
(C) Notwithstanding IC 14-22-16, 312 IAC 9-7-15, and 312 IAC 9-7-16, live gizzard shad, threadfin shad, and alewife may only be collected, used, possessed, sold, bartered, and disposed of in accordance with 312 IAC 9-6-8.
(63) "Minnow seine" means a seine or net:
(A) not more than twelve (12) feet long and four (4) feet deep; and
(B) having stretch mesh not larger than one-half (1/2) inch.
(64) "Minnow trap" means a fish trapping device not exceeding twenty-four (24) inches long. The opening of the throat shall not exceed one (1) inch in diameter.
(65) "Mosquitofish" means the species Gambusia affinis.
(66) "Muskellunge" means the species Esox masquinongy.
(67) "Northern pike" means the species Esox lucius.
(68) "Paddlefish" means the species Polyodon spathula.
(69) "Pole" and "line" means fishing equipment held in the hand, including a cane pole, casting rod, spinning rod, fly rod, or ice fishing tackle commonly known as a tip-up but does not include snaring, trotlines, set lines, throw lines, limb lines, drop lines, or other tackle normally attached in a fixed position.
(70) "Quagga mussel" means the species Dreissena bugensis.
(71) "Rainbow trout" means the species Oncorhynchus mykiss.
(72) "Redear sunfish" means the species Lepomis microlophus.
(73) "Rock bass" means the species Ambloplites rupestris.
(74) "Round goby" mean the species Neogobius melanostomus.
(75) "Rudd" means the species Scardinius erythrophthalmus.
(76) "Ruffe" means the species Gymnocephalus cernuus.
(77) "Sauger" means the species Sander canadensis.
(78) "Saugeye" means the hybrid of walleye and sauger.
(79) "Shad" means the following genera:
(A) Alosa.
(B) Dorosoma.
(80) "Shovelnose sturgeon" means the species Scaphirhynchus platorynchus.
(81) "Silver carp" means the species Hypophthalmichthys molitrix.
(82) "Single hook" means a fishing hook consisting of the following:
(A) One (1) shank.
(B) One (1) point.
(83) "Smallmouth bass" means the species Micropterus dolomieui.
(84) "Smelt" means the genus Osmerus.
(85) "Snakehead" means all species of the family Channidae, including the following genera:
(A) Channa.
(B) Parachanna.
(86) "Sockeye salmon" means the species Oncorhynchus nerka.
(87) "Sport fish" means any of the following:
(A) Largemouth bass.
(B) Smallmouth bass.
(C) Spotted bass.
(D) Rock bass.
(E) White crappie.
(F) Black crappie.
(G) Walleye.
(H) Sauger.
(I) Saugeye.
(J) Striped bass.
(K) White bass.
(L) Hybrid striped bass.
(M) Yellow bass.
(N) Muskellunge.
(O) Tiger muskellunge.
(P) Northern pike.
(Q) Chain pickerel.
(R) Trout or salmon.
(88) "Spotted bass" means the species Micropterus punctulatus.
(89) "Steelhead" means the species Oncorhyncus mykiss.
(90) "Stone moroko" means the species Pseudorasbora parva.
(91) "Stretch mesh" means the extended distance or length between the extreme angles of a single mesh of net.
(92) "Striped bass" means the species Morone saxatilis.
(93) "Sucker" means the following genera:
(A) Carpiodes.
(B) Moxostoma.
(C) Hypentelium.
(D) Catostomus.
(E) Erimyzon.
(94) "Sunfish" means all species and hybrids of the genus Lepomis except endangered species identified at 312 IAC 9-6-9.
(95) "Threadfin shad" means the species Dorosoma petenense.
(96) "Tiger muskellunge" means the hybrid of muskellunge and northern pike.
(97) "Tilapia" means all species of the genus Tilapia.
(98) "Triploid" means a cell or organism having three (3) haploid sets of chromosomes.
(99) "Trout or salmon" means the following:
(A) Lake trout.
(B) Coho salmon.
(C) Chinook salmon.
(D) Sockeye salmon.
(E) Brown trout.
(F) Steelhead (or rainbow trout).
(G) Brook trout.
(H) Atlantic salmon.
(100) "Tubenose goby" means the species Proterorhinus marmoratus.
(101) "Walleye" means the species Sander vitreus.
(102) "Warmouth" means the species Lepomis gulosus.
(103) "Wels catfish" means the species Silurus glanis.
(104) "White bass" means the species Morone chrysops.
(105) "White catfish" means the species Ictalurus catus.
(106) "White perch" means the species Morone americana.
(107) "White crappie" means the species Pomoxis annularis.
(108) "Yellow bass" means the species Morone mississippiensis.
(109) "Yellow bullhead" means the species Ictalurus natalis.
(110) "Yellow perch" means the species Perca flavescens.
(111) "Zander" means the species Sander lucioperca.
(112) "Zebra mussel" means the species Dreissena polymorpha.
(Natural Resources Commission; 312 IAC 9-6-1; filed May 12, 1997, 10:00 a.m.: 20 IR 2713; filed May 28, 1998, 5:14 p.m.: 21 IR 3717; errata filed Aug 25, 1998, 3:02 p.m.: 22 IR 125; filed May 16, 2002, 12:25 p.m.: 25 IR 3047; filed Jul 23, 2003, 10:30 a.m.: 26 IR 3866; readopted filed Jul 28, 2003, 12:00 p.m.: 27 IR 286; filed Feb 27, 2007, 2:25 p.m.: 20070328-IR-312060262FRA; readopted filed Nov 24, 2008, 11:08 a.m.: 20081210-IR-312080672RFA; filed Aug 28, 2009, 3:39 p.m.: 20090923-IR-312080886FRA; filed Jul 6, 2010, 1:55 p.m.: 20100804-IR-312090616FRA; filed Feb 22, 2011, 1:13 p.m.: 20110323-IR-312100501FRA; filed Mar 15, 2013, 2:33 p.m.: 20130410-IR-312120403FRA; readopted filed May 20, 2014, 9:43 a.m.: 20140618-IR-312140017RFA; filed Jun 15, 2015, 3:43 p.m.: 20150715-IR-312140453FRA)