Rule 312IAC11-2. Definitions  

Section 312IAC11-2-1. Definitions applicable to the regulation of public freshwater lakes
Section 312IAC11-2-1.5. "Aerator" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-2. "Area of special concern" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-3. "Bioengineered" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-4. "Boatwell" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-5. "Bulkhead seawall" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-6. "Cumulative effect" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-7. "Developed area" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-8. "Director or a delegate" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-9. "Dry hydrant" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-10. "Fish attractor" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-11. "Glacial stone" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-11.5. "Group pier" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-11.8. "Manmade channel" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-12. "Marina" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-13. "Natural resources" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-14. "Natural scenic beauty" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-14.5. "Natural shoreline" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-15. "Pea gravel" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-16. "Permanent structure" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-17. "Public freshwater lake" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-18. "Recreational purpose" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-19. "Riparian owner" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-20. "Riprap" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-21. "Seawall" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-22. "Seawall reface" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-23. "Significant environmental harm" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-24. "Significant wetland" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-25. "Temporary structure" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-25.2. "Toe protection" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-26. "Unaltered shoreline" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-27. "Underwater beach" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-27.5. "Upland side of a manmade channel" defined
Section 312IAC11-2-28. "Waterline or shoreline" defined (Repealed)