Section 140IAC1-1-5.5. Continuances  

Latest version.
  •   5. (a) A party may request to continue a hearing only if:

    (1) the request is made in the form of a motion submitted to the bureau in duplicate;

    (2) the request is timely made prior to the scheduled hearing or other deadline; and

    (3) good cause is shown.

      (b) A continuance granted prior to the hearing automatically extends the time during which the hearing must be held.

      (c) The administrative law judge may award costs to reimburse a party for the actual expenses that the party incurred from any undue delay of the hearing that the other party caused. (Bureau of Motor Vehicles; 140 IAC 1-1-5.5; filed Oct 7, 2008, 10:23 a.m.:20081105-IR-140080215FRA; readopted filed Nov 3, 2014, 1:43 p.m.: 20141203-IR-140140375RFA; filed Nov 16, 2015, 12:44 p.m.: 20151216-IR-140150061FRA, eff Jan 1, 2016)