Section 105IAC5-7-6. Requests for public hearing

Latest version.
  •    If an interested party requests a public hearing on the petition at any time before the department has reached a decision, the department will conduct such a hearing under the provisions of IC 4-21.5. If such a hearing is requested, the one hundred twenty (120) day decision deadline set in section 5 of this rule will be postponed until the hearing process is complete. (Indiana Department of Transportation; 105 IAC 5-7-6; filed Aug 8, 1989, 3:30 p.m.: 12 IR 2224; readopted filed Nov 7, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 25 IR 899; readopted filed Jun 14, 2007, 2:45 p.m.: 20070627-IR-105070237RFA; readopted filed Oct 2, 2013, 11:39 a.m.: 20131030-IR-105130295RFA)