Section 105IAC11-2-10. Subcontractors  

Latest version.
  •    (a) It is unlawful for a successful bidder to enter into a subcontract with any other person involving the performance of any part of any work upon which the bidder may be engaged for the department in an amount in excess of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) unless the subcontractor has been properly qualified for the work sublet to it.

      (b) The prequalification requirements of this section do not apply to:

    (1) professional services; or

    (2) hauling material or supplies to or from a job site.

      (c) All subcontracts must be approved by the department prior to work being performed by the subcontractor.

      (d) The department may request disclosure of a subcontractor's board of directors, shareholders, officers, and principal individuals or employees prior to subcontract approval. Failure to disclose such information may result in denial of subcontract approval.

      (e) A contractor that is not prequalified may be prohibited from performing subcontract work or limited in the dollar value thereof if the contractor has been found in violation of a rule that would subject a contractor to suspension, revocation, or reduction of its certificate of qualification.

      (f) A contractor whose certificate of qualification is revoked or suspended will not be approved to perform work as a subcontractor on a department contract.

      (g) A subcontractor that does not have a valid certificate of qualification will be limited to a total of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) in unearned work under contract on any given date with any owner, contractor, or other party. (Indiana Department of Transportation; 105 IAC 11-2-10; filed Jul 25, 1991, 3:30 p.m.: 14 IR 2191; readopted filed Nov 7, 2001, 3:20 p.m.: 25 IR 899; readopted filed Jun 14, 2007, 2:45 p.m.: 20070627-IR-105070237RFA; readopted filed Oct 2, 2013, 11:39 a.m.: 20131030-IR-105130295RFA)